Natural Skin Care

Lemon Juice To Reduce Redness. What madness!

Pimples, zits acne…no matter what you call them they are the very bane of our existence. Whether you get them every once in a great while or they are a constant thorn in your side, we all know how annoying they are. When you notice a pimple popping through your skin in all its angry glory, the first thing you want to do is get rid of it by any means necessary! This will lead to the inevitable popping, probing or pinching, leaving you with redness, irritated skin and often cause scarring.

Here are some tips for reducing redness caused by Acne.



  1. Toothpaste.
    A time honored tradition in our house.  If you come by just before bed you may find some toothpaste on our face. Apply a bit of toothpaste on the pimple and allow it to dry. Let it sit on there overnight, and by morning the pimple will be dried out and the redness will be gone.  A note on the toothpaste method: This will work for spot treatments, if you have a bigger breakout you may cause further damage, and lets be honest, you don’t need a face full of toothpaste.
  2. Lemon.
    SAY WHAT NOW??  It is a known fact that lemon has a great anti-inflammatory quality. If you find yourself in a pickle, then locate a lemon!  If you mix equal parts of lemon juice (preferably fresh) and rose water, then apply this mixture with a cotton pad leave on the affected area and rinse off 30 minutes later with warm water, you will see a drastic reduction in redness and with regular use you can minimize the redness caused from acne.
  3. Aspirin
    I came across this as I was researching my own battle of the zits.  Crazy as it sounds, it actually did work much in the same way as the toothpaste. You will need  to crush the aspirin and mix with water to create a toothpaste consistency.  Using a clean Q-tip apply to the angry mound on your face and leave for 15 min.  Wash off with warm water.  Caution should be noted here, using too much aspirin can have adverse effect on blood thinning and such, so keep this usage to a minimum, if you have the time simply use toothpaste method. This will be as effective, without the worrysome side effects.
  4. Ice.
    Ice, baby…this of course can be used to reduce the redness in your face, I am not sure it is the most effective, but in a tight jam definitely can be used. Simply grab a clean cloth, add a few ice cubes from your freezer and away you go.  Leaving the ice cubes on the face for 30 min, you will see some improvement with the redness.
  5. Redness Reducing Products
    This is a specialized cream or lotion to help you with your redness caused by acne. You will want to find a product that not only soothes the skin, but also helps heal the acne which is really the aggravating part of your day anyway. There are a number of products out there, the best solution to finding the right product is try as many as you can.  Some may work for you others may not, but eventually you will have the best product in your arsenal for your daily, weekly or monthly war against pimples.

If you have any tips of your own that you would love to share with our readers we would love to hear them. The more ways to rid ourselves of these menaces the better.  Also don’t forget to check out some of our all natural skin care products for preventing acne from ever showing its ugly little head or (heads) again!

Happy Cleansing!